Merry Christmas Feliz Navidad feliz Natal Happy Christmas joyeux Noël buon Natale 메리 크리스마스

Thank you for visiting me here at I hope to provide your family with a joyous celebration of the Christmas Spirit as embodied in the life and legend of St Nicholas of Myra. 

I offer a variety of options for your family to experience. It is my aim to brighten the joy of your Christmas Season. God bless you all. 

Now let’s have some fun!

Meet Santa's Reindeer

My reindeer have been carefully chosen over the years to be members of my famous Christmas Eve Team. Each one is wonderful in a way that is near and dear to my heart.

Talk to Santa Claus

Have a Live Video Call with Santa

My favorite interaction has become live, online visits with wonderful children all over the world. There are several options available depending on the number of children and adults participating as well as their locations around the world. I love this because I can see you and talk to you in real time!

“My eldest has been to St Nick Jim twice and always puts him at ease. He's done a lovely job of keeping the magic going as my child gets older!”
Raleigh, North Carolina

Ask Santa


a Respectful Reindeer

Born in 1820, Dasher is the youngest of my main reindeer.

Almost immediately after being born, Dasher was poking her nose into every corner of her stall. She learned all about the weather…how the wind blows and how storms grow. So it wasn’t long before I had Dasher as one of my lead pair. I can trust her to keep a sharp eye out so we stay away from troubling weather. 

Dasher loves to deliver presents to children who like to learn new things. I hope you want to be a learning child.