Have a live video call with santa

New technologies open up new possibilities for us here at the North Pole. The opportunity to speak with children face-to-face via ZOOM is quite exciting to me. I am so happy to offer several options depending on the number of children and adults participating as well as their locations around the world. We are going to have so much fun!

Ola gostaria de recomendar o Santa Nick a todos. Muito alegre, atencioso e profissional. Minhas filhas ficaram encantadas no Natal quando conheceram o Santa. (Portuguese)

(Translation: I would like to recommend St Nick Jim to everyone. He is very cheerful, kindly, attentive and professional. My daughters were delighted at Christmas when they met Santa.)

Bradenton, Florida


a Respectful Reindeer

Born in 1820, Dasher is the youngest of my main reindeer.

Almost immediately after being born, Dasher was poking her nose into every corner of her stall. She learned all about the weather…how the wind blows and how storms grow. So it wasn’t long before I had Dasher as one of my lead pair. I can trust her to keep a sharp eye out so we stay away from troubling weather. 

Dasher loves to deliver presents to children who like to learn new things. I hope you want to be a learning child.